5G Technology and Its Legacy

In 21 Century, most innovation and technology have their own legacy. Internet in the 21st century makes the world so small and binds in one community. Mobile network and their data technology have a vital role in it. Many innovations have already been done in this field. The latest generation of mobile i.e. 5G technology is still in controversy and it has been the issue of ego and power. Before starting the 5G technology let’s start from its legacy generations.

1G – First Generation

This was the first generation with low speed nearly up to 2.4 Kbps. It was introduced in 1987 by Telecom (known today as Telstra), Australia. This was the analog system. This generation of technology is basically insecure and unreliable for communication.

2G – Second Generation

Basically used for small data services like SMS and MMS for the communication along with the voice. It was first commercially launched in Finland by Radiolinja in 1991. 2G Technology is also known as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS ) which is assumed to be with the speed of 50 Kbps or 1 Mbps maximum with Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution ( EDGE ). GPRS and EDGE are the keywords we can see in mobile while working on data mode in 2G.

3G – Third Generation

This generation has made a big impact on mobile networks and data technology. Accessing the world on mobile makes easy and fluently with this technology.   Web browsing, email, video downloading, picture sharing makes a big impact on the third generation. Commercially 3G services started in 2001 with high speed up to 21.6 Mbps.

4G – Fourth Generation

4G is also known to be LTE (Long-Term Evolution) which provides bigger advancements than the 3G technology regarding the speed in a mobile network. Its purpose is to provide high speed, high quality, and high capacity to users while improving security and lowering the cost of voice and data services, multimedia and internet over IP. Potential and current applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D television, and cloud computing. The max speed of a 4G network when the device is moving is 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps. 

5G – Fifth Generation

5G is a generation currently under development5G promises significantly faster data rates, higher connection density, much lower latency, among other improvements. The max speed of 5G is aimed at as fast as 35.46 Gbps, which is over 35 times faster than 4G.

There are big controversies regarding this 5G technology. Some researcher has raised the issues of health due to the radiation and frequency used for this technology. But it’s still not been proven. According to BBC, in France, there are 1000 towers been implemented with 5G technology. But in US and France along with different countries in the EU has restricted their signal near airports to reduce the possible risk due to interference with aircraft’s signal and 5G frequency. Antennas have to be titled or their direction has to be changed towards non-buffer zones. 

The new generations of mobile technology are released with more features that make our lives easier. The 5G technology is not only about mobile data, it aims to integrate different streams of our society via ICT. But, 5G technology is still in the preliminary phase and has many controversies. But technology itself has the power to rectify the limitations and resolve the controversies. We can expect that 5G will rise above all these disputes and will be vital for the transformation of our society.

Thank you Pabitra Mani Dahal Sir for your Feedback

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