Logarithms were invented by John Napier, early in the 17th century. The Frenchman Rene Descartes developed the analytic geometry and Cartesian coordinates. Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal had great contributions to number theory, calculus, and probability theory. Newton and Leibnitz applied their ideas on calculus for solving a variety of problems in physics, astronomy, and engineering in the 18th century. In 1806, Jean-Robert Argand developed a complex number (of the form a+ib ) that could be represented on geometric diagrams and manipulated using trigonometry and vector. By the contribution of different mathematicians, Non-euclidean geometry was developed. Three branches of geometry: Euclidean, Elliptical, and Hyperbolic geometry worked all together. Different complexity of mathematical concepts was raised in the 19th century.
Germany and France contributed mathematics differently. After the French revolution, Nepolian emphasized the practical use of mathematics and reforms. Joseph Fouriers developed the Fourier series which is still a powerful tool in pure and applied mathematics .in the 20th century, the trends of the 19th century towards the increasing generalization and abstraction in which the notion of axioms on self-evident truths was largely discarded in favor of an emphasis on logical concepts as consistency and completeness.
Mathematics is in day-to-day life. We are using mathematics knowingly or unknowingly. Different research was held for the popularity of mathematics. Development mathematics is towards the practical uses of daily life. 21st-century research tends towards the: Variety of mathematical concepts is applied to solve complex problems. The integrated approach is used .pure and applied mathematics works altogether like graph theory is in economics, the theory of fiber bundles is applied in physics. The computer plays an entirely constructive role in our lives and in the evolution of our mathematics. The computer is changing mathematics by bringing certain topics into greater prominence – it is even causing mathematicians to create new areas of mathematics, for example, the theory of computational complexity.
Thank you Kabiraj Dahal, Math, H.S. School Teacher