Robotics: Brief Introduction

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of science, engineering, and technology. Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The word “robotics” was coined by a writer, Russian-born American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word in 1942 in his short story “Runabout.” The objective of robotics is to produce machines that replicate or assist humans. Simply Robotics is a diverse bunch of technology that is turning to be a great gift of engineering and technology to we humans.

Joseph F. Engleberger, an American physicist, engineer, and businessman is known as “the Father of Robotics.” He was the first person who made the first industrial robot.

So what is Robot? Well, there is no specific definition of a robot, in fact, there are several definitions. Anything that is programmed or is a type of automated machine that assists or works as per human instructions can be termed robots which may be a simple Double Pole Double Throw(DPDT) switch made remote control car or a large humanoid robot that simply replaces humans for almost every kind of technological works. “Sophia” is the first humanoid robot to get citizenship. And there are many more examples that show the rise of robotics.

 According to Robot Institute of America, 1979 “A re-programmable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” is a robot.

According to the British Department of Industry “a re-programmable manipulator device” is a robot.

Robotics is turning out to be one of the most important needs in the modern world. With the increase in human population rapid demand for agricultural products is seen, Agricultural robots can be the best for the fast supply and can efficiently accomplish more laborious work which decreases human resources and time. Over the last several decade’s varieties of sensors and sensing systems have been developed to monitor respective works hence proper use of robotics can aid in various infrastructure monitoring and productivity. With the proper use of medicinal and digital technology we can contribute best to society, medicinal drones are the best example that ensures fast transport of medicines and other necessities. Alexa, Siri, Google assistant, etc can also be the best examples of robots that are being used by millions of people around the globe. Robotics play a vital role in the field of astronomy as robots can serve as an ocean of knowledge if handled and updated properly and can perform various excursions inside or outside the earth’s atmosphere.

Robotics Association of Nepal(RAN) along with varieties of technological organizations is working in Nepal for flourishing the warm sun of technology and robotics. Likewise, various competitions and workshops around the globe can be seen on a regular basis that further sharpens and increase creativity and curiosity regarding robotics and technology. Hence with the development of the modern world, the development and need for robotics are increasing.

Thank you Suwarna Pyakurel, +2-SOS HGS Sanothimi

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