Pathik Foundation is a multiversity dedicated to the evolution of higher consciousness. The foundation conducts a number of programs like blissful life management, self-development, and management, team building, the science of consciousness, Tribhujiya Shikshya, the science of success and goal achievement, subconscious healing, life rejuvenating retreat, etc.
At the core, Pathik Foundation is the path of saints, which includes all the paths leading to the evolution of consciousness up to the supreme level. These paths help attain self-awakening, which results in inner peace, a state of bliss, satisfaction, and prosperity in life. It includes most of the spiritual, mystical paths of east and west.
This foundation has four centers: First at Satungal, Chandragiri Foothills; Second at Devghat, Tanahun at the bank of Narayani River; Third at Naubise, Dhading; and Fourth at Nepalgunj Bankey.
Pathik Foundation organizes the following higher dimension spiritual programs on a monthly, bi-monthly, six-months, and yearly basis.
- The science of success
- The Art of Blissful Living
- Yogpath & Initiation to Divine Knowledge
- Learning seven Yog – from ”Karma Yog to Sankhya Yog” and leading them to ”Laya Yog”
- Surat Sadhana
From Ignorance to Bliss
- Nirat Sadhana
From Darkness to Light
- Amrit Sadhana
From Death to Immortality
- Reiki I, II & III
Dr. T. N. Pathik, popularly known as Acharyashree Pathik, is the guiding light behind the vision of Pathik Foundation (PF). His vision is a unification of science, matter, and spirituality for a healthy, prosperous, and blissful humanity. Under his guidance, the foundation is experimenting with Collective Living for attaining supreme human consciousness on the lines of ancient mystery schools of Nepal, India, Greece, and Egypt.
Acharya Shree was born in the mountainous district of Baglung in mid-western Nepal. He spent his teenage years and adulthood at several Gurukuls (schools of individual masters) and Yoga/Naturopathy centers in India. Along the way, he studied Religion, Politics, Philosophy, Medical Sciences, Yoga, and Meditation. Right from a very young age, he had a deep thirst for spiritual knowledge. His spiritual quest led him to innumerable Sadhus, Phakkads, and Saints. His burning spiritual quest was abundantly rewarded when he was blessed with the Enlightenment on a full moon day in November 2001.
Acharya Shree has also been a revolutionary, social, and political leader, educationist, versatile writer and, visionary. He has been one of the pioneering people in the development of Alternative Medicines, Yoga, and Naturopathy in Nepal. He has authored more than 25 books, which convey the messages on Self-Development, Soul Education, Politics, Holistic Health, Management, and Spirituality.
By Sameer Pokhrel, Telecom Engineer, Influenciar
Great place for spirituality, holistic health and yoga