With thriving of Internet, we are fulfilled with enormous amount of
data. And security is one of the important aspect we need to tackle for
the data we send over internet. Sharing of digital contents like image
over internet in a secure fashion is a challenge with numerous attacks
present. So, storing data on a single space and transmitting over it
isn’t much more secure than it used to be. On distributed system, we
have as much space but when it come with time we are always limited.
Author: Abhilash Poudel
5 Great Small Business Ideas to Start in 2022 in Nepal
Starting a business is always great and never get old. The main problem with Nepalese house hold is that there are lots of questions sometimes arose from own mind, some from families and always some from the relatives and people. Mostly question that comes to our mind is “is it the right time?”. The problem with starting with business is not what the business is from your perspective only but from the consumer perspective. Usually where we look for our potential customers are from our circles and imagine it in larger scale and end up with only 10% of the large scale because we cannot actually generalize the small scale to the large scale.
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