Robotics: Brief Introduction

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of science, engineering, and technology. Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The word “robotics” was coined by a writer, Russian-born American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word in 1942 in his short story “Runabout.” The objective of robotics is to produce machines that replicate or assist humans. Simply Robotics is a diverse bunch of technology that is turning to be a great gift of engineering and technology to we humans.

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Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

This certification is issued by ISACA to people in charge of ensuring an organization’s IT and business systems are monitored, managed, and protected. It is presented after the completion of a comprehensive testing and application process. It is designed for IT auditors, audit managers, consultants, and security professionals.

The primary duties of a CISA include:

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5G Technology and Its Legacy

In 21 Century, most innovation and technology have their own legacy. Internet in the 21st century makes the world so small and binds in one community. Mobile network and their data technology have a vital role in it. Many innovations have already been done in this field. The latest generation of mobile i.e. 5G technology is still in controversy and it has been the issue of ego and power. Before starting the 5G technology let’s start from its legacy generations.

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Basics on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a digitally distributed, decentralized, public ledger that exists across a network. Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, decreasing risk and cutting costs for all involved.  In a narrow sense, we can deal with blockchain as a never-ending or ever-growing digital list of data records. It is a secured technology or a mode of transmission that is used by various groups as it serves a very complex algorithm that is almost impossible or immensely difficult to crack or hack.

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Cryptography: Trends and Status

Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data. Cryptography is the study of secure communication that allows the sender and recipient of a message to have highly secure and confidential to view its contents. The data is encrypted using a secret key, and then both the encoded message and secret key are sent to the recipient for decryption. In simple words the art of writing or solving codes is cryptography. Cryptography can be classified into there types:

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Issues and Challenges with Sentiment Analysis: Word Sense Disambiguation

During the decision-making process, everybody wants to hear feedback or review about the product. But, manually going through each review is very time-consuming and difficult to get a proper conclusion regarding the product which implies the need for sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is an automatic method used to determine whether the review about a subject is positive or negative. In sentiment analysis, for automatic review mining, there are lots of words whose different senses depend on the context they are used. This is the issue in sentiment analysis which is called word sense disambiguation. Most of the existing sentiment analysis techniques determine the polarity without any word sense disambiguation. Few methods have been proposed to achieve this as they are not able to properly disambiguate the context in which the words are used. Here is discussed a feature level sentiment analysis method, which produces a summary of opinions about different product features. A word sense disambiguation method is deployed which accurately locates the sense of a word in a sentence while determining the polarity.

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Cyber Warfare: Potential Role of Developing Countries

In 2013 more than dozens of government websites are hacked by hackers’ communities. As per information, most of the hackings are done from Saudi Arabian territory. A number of these hackings included displaying messages regarding scolding Nepal and Nepalese people on the victim websites. The aim of those hackings and the locations from where these hackings are being done are officially unknown yet.

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Public Service through Digital Governance in Developing Countries like Nepal

Public service delivery is an important issue where the citizens receive service from the government on various aspects like company registration, passport, immigration,  birth/death registration, citizenship, transport registration, license registration, land registration and house building, tax payment, etc. These are the essential services that every government must provide to its citizens. In the case of Nepal, receiving these services is tedious and time-consuming. Moreover, the Lack of transparency of these services is promoting corruption. The shortcomings in the methods of service delivery of the government of Nepal are raising the level of dissatisfaction and reducing the trust towards the government. There have been a lot of discussions going on in the formation of good governance. The central thought behind all these discussions is the same: fast, easy, and transparent delivery of services ensures trust and satisfaction of citizens which ultimately leads to an increase in governance index and other various indicators of the nation. Digitization is a proven practice for service delivery after the development of Information and Communication Technology. Analysis of the pros and cons of various sectors like banking, education, commerce, etc indicate that the shifting towards digital service brings betterment in all the concerned aspects. Also, the study of the governance of developed countries suggests that trustworthiness of services and satisfaction level of service consumers increase noticeably after introducing digitization in service delivery. Several Practices for the digitization of government services are going on in Nepal as well. But being practiced by individual bodies of the government separately, these digitization lack consistency, standardization, and synchronization. This kind of digitization needs to be planned and managed properly and addressed timely to prevent wastage of time and money in huge amounts.

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Implementation Perspective: ICT Enabled ‘Smart City’ in Developing Countries

‘Smart City’ is one of the most popular jargon of the current time. The political parties have mentioned smart city development in their manifesto to influence the voters. A smart city is defined in a variety of ways in various resources but all of them converge to the same gist ultimately: the smart city integrates ICT(Information and Communication Technology) with various physical devices (sensors, receivers, CCTV cameras) that are connected to the network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services (through a centralized command center) as well as to connect the citizens (through services). A smart city should have well-managed and ICT-enabled traffic and transportation systems, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services. Smart City provides its citizens with a clean and sustainable environment, hassle-free services, and hence a decent quality of life.

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Cryptocurrency: Brief Status and Trends

A cryptocurrency or simply crypto is a collection of binary data which is designed to work as a medium of transaction. In a narrow sense, we can deal with it as a type of currency that used digital files as money. Crypto” refers to the various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques that safeguard these entries, such as elliptical curve encryption, public-private key pairs, and hashing functions. Crypto is a medium of exchange that is encrypted and decentralized. It is based on blockchain technology. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency. According to the paper published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto titled “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.”, describes it as a payment system that is based on cryptographic proof instead of trust. The proof is verified and recorded in the blockchain.  Investing in crypto is a bit tricky predicting the rise and downfall of crypto a bit resembles the stock market.

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