Big Data

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is increasing every day around the world. As a result, the volume of data is rapidly expanding. Big Data refers to large volumes of data that are quickly complicated in nature and challenging to handle and analyze in a traditional manner. Data can come from a variety of places and be kept for analytics to produce relevant and informed findings. Big data, it is now assumed, will not only be a significant component of the world in the future but will also be the future itself. Evolutions in how we store, move, analyze, and comprehend data will continue to change how businesses, organizations, and the IT professionals that support them approach their goals.

To put it another way, big data is simply a large amount of data that has been collected over time from many sources and processed to produce actionable results and knowledge for the advancement and achievement of the organization’s goals. 

Big Data is classified in the following 3 Ways:

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