Intel Introduces Blockchain chip for Bitcoin and NFT Minting

The chip will be available later this year, with Block Inc, the Jack Dorsey-led company that just changed its name from Square Inc to emphasize its expanding focus on blockchain, among the first customers. To cash in on the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Intel Corp announced a new processor for blockchain applications such as Bitcoin mining and minting NFTs on Friday.

The chip will be available later this year, with Block Inc, the Jack Dorsey-led company that just changed its name from Square Inc to emphasize its expanding focus on blockchain, among the first customers.

Continue reading Intel Introduces Blockchain chip for Bitcoin and NFT Minting

Basics on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a digitally distributed, decentralized, public ledger that exists across a network. Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, decreasing risk and cutting costs for all involved.  In a narrow sense, we can deal with blockchain as a never-ending or ever-growing digital list of data records. It is a secured technology or a mode of transmission that is used by various groups as it serves a very complex algorithm that is almost impossible or immensely difficult to crack or hack.

Continue reading Basics on Blockchain Technology