Intel Introduces Blockchain chip for Bitcoin and NFT Minting

The chip will be available later this year, with Block Inc, the Jack Dorsey-led company that just changed its name from Square Inc to emphasize its expanding focus on blockchain, among the first customers. To cash in on the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Intel Corp announced a new processor for blockchain applications such as Bitcoin mining and minting NFTs on Friday.

The chip will be available later this year, with Block Inc, the Jack Dorsey-led company that just changed its name from Square Inc to emphasize its expanding focus on blockchain, among the first customers.

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Cryptography: Trends and Status

Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data. Cryptography is the study of secure communication that allows the sender and recipient of a message to have highly secure and confidential to view its contents. The data is encrypted using a secret key, and then both the encoded message and secret key are sent to the recipient for decryption. In simple words the art of writing or solving codes is cryptography. Cryptography can be classified into there types:

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Cryptocurrency: Brief Status and Trends

A cryptocurrency or simply crypto is a collection of binary data which is designed to work as a medium of transaction. In a narrow sense, we can deal with it as a type of currency that used digital files as money. Crypto” refers to the various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques that safeguard these entries, such as elliptical curve encryption, public-private key pairs, and hashing functions. Crypto is a medium of exchange that is encrypted and decentralized. It is based on blockchain technology. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency. According to the paper published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto titled “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.”, describes it as a payment system that is based on cryptographic proof instead of trust. The proof is verified and recorded in the blockchain.  Investing in crypto is a bit tricky predicting the rise and downfall of crypto a bit resembles the stock market.

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