Panasonic Factory towards “Zero Carbon Emission”

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an odorless gas that is vital to life on the planet. CO2 is also known as a greenhouse gas, because its presence in the atmosphere can disturb the natural regulation of temperature, resulting in global warming.

CO2 levels have risen dramatically as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the exponential growth of manufacturing activity all over the world. The primary sources of CO2 are deforestation, agriculture, and the use of fossil fuels. China, the United States, India, Russia, and Japan are the top five countries that produce the most CO2, according to the most recent data from the Global Carbon Project.

Investors, corporate customers, and consumers are pressuring large firms around the world to adopt comparable efforts to address their contributions to the greenhouse effect, with many making “net-zero” emissions pledges to cut and counter their emissions.

Panasonic, which, according to estimates from the firm and other experts, is one of the world’s largest corporate carbon emitters, is only getting started. To offset the roughly 2.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions linked with the company’s operations, it will have to repeat its Wuxi accomplishment 37 times.

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