Cyber-attack on ICRC

Server with personal information of above 500,000 people faced a complex Cyber security attack. That information is linked with data from Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. This incident triggered the renowned organizations to re-check and test the security of their data.

The server containing various services and information that ICRC was working on to reconnect people separated by wars, violence, etc. was detected an anomaly. And when the deep investigation was conducted, it was found that hackers took over the system and can access the data. To reduce the damage and to ensure the security of accessed data ICRC was forced to shut the servers off. Further to estimate the loss and identify the loopholes in the system independent audit firm was hired. Still, the genuine and authentic information regarding the hosts of the attack has not been confirmed. No ransom has been demanded in exchange for data so even a random guess or illogical move would create a blunder. ICRC is willing to communicate directly and confidentially so the hackers would respect the humanitarian action and the principles of ICRC would be preserved. 

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