Prospect in Cloud Computing in 2022 and after

We’ve long stated that the next ten years in cloud computing will not be the same as the previous ten. With the momentum of the entire multitrillion-dollar IT industry behind it, the cloud has firmly planted its footprint on the other side of the gap.

Cloud technologies are being used by both sellers and buyers, and many are establishing their own value layers on top of the cloud. We expect innovation will continue to cluster around the main three U.S. clouds, as well as Alibaba in Asia-Pacific, in the coming years, with the ecosystem generating value on top of the hyper scalers hardware, software, and tools.

We do not, however, perceive this as a race to the bottom. Rather, we anticipate that the major public cloud vendors will continue to innovate, automate, and integrate their platforms to reduce costs. Hyperscale clouds will be used by other cloud providers and the ecosystem, including traditional information technology purchasers, to mine opportunities in their respective industries. It’s not a zero-sum game here.

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Robotics: Brief Introduction

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of science, engineering, and technology. Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The word “robotics” was coined by a writer, Russian-born American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word in 1942 in his short story “Runabout.” The objective of robotics is to produce machines that replicate or assist humans. Simply Robotics is a diverse bunch of technology that is turning to be a great gift of engineering and technology to we humans.

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